
Everee represents workers with a composite data structure that includes relevant details of all common worker-linked data, like demographics, position and compensation, tax withholding settings, and so on.

Note that depending on the worker’s configuration and whether the worker details have been partly or fully recorded, some sections of the data structure may be missing.

        workerId: string
        externalWorkerId: string
        firstName: string
        middleName: string
        lastName: string
        phoneNumber: string, 10 digits
        email: string, email format
        onboardingComplete: boolean
        position: object, with shape: {
                current: {
                      payType: string, one of: “HOURLY”, “SALARY”
                      payRate: object, Money
                      title: string [optional]
        hireDate: string, ISO8601 date
        homeAddress: object, with shape: {
                current: {
                      line1: string
                      line2: string
                      city: string
                      state: string, 2-letter state abbreviation
                      postalCode: string, 5-digit ZIP code
        dateOfBirth: string, ISO8601 date
        taxpayerIdentifier: string, 10 digits
        tinVerificationStatus: string, one of:
        		"NEEDS_VERIFICATION": TIN is pending verification
            "SENT_FOR_VERIFICATION": TIN has been submitted for verification
            "VERIFIED": TIN was verified successfully
            "VERIFICATION_FAILED": TIN failed verification and a change needs to be made
            "UNABLE_TO_VERIFY": TIN could not be submitted for verification due to a system error
        typicalWeeklyHours: number, integer in range 1-40 inclusive
        bankAccounts: array of objects, with shape: {
                bankName: string
                accountName: string
                accountType: string, one of: “CHECKING”, “SAVINGS”
                routingNumber: string, 9 digits
                accountNumberLast4: string
        legalWorkAddress: object, with shape: {
                current: {
                      useHomeAddress: boolean
                      name: string
                      workLocationId: number [optional]
                      address: {
                            line1: string
                            line2: string
                            city: string
                            state: string, 2-letter state abbreviation
                            postalCode: string, 5-digit ZIP code
        approvalGroup: object, with shape: {
              id: number
              name: string