Earning types

The following earning types are supported in various APIs:

TypeTaxable to EmployeesDescription
REGULAR_HOURLYYesHourly wages classified at the "regular" (non-overtime) rate.
OVERTIME_HOURLYYesHourly wages classified at the "overtime" rate.
DOUBLE_TIME_HOURLYYesHourly wages classified at the "double time" rate.
REGULAR_SALARYYesWages earned by a salaried employee.
REIMBURSEMENTNoReimbursement for expenses.
CONTRACTORNoPayout to a contractor for services.
TIPSYesTips earned during an employee's hourly work period.
PER_DIEMYesAmount paid to an employee as a per diem.
COMMISSIONYesCommissions earned.
BONUSYesBonuses earned.
HOLIDAYYesAmount paid for hours occurring on a holiday.
VACATIONYesAmount paid for vacation hours, typically accrued or granted via a PTO policy.
SICKYesAmount paid for sick hours, typically accrued or granted via a PTO or sick-time policy.
ADVANCEYesAmount advanced to an employee against future wages. This amount is not automatically deducted from future wages.
SEPARATIONYesFlat amount paid to an employee as part of a separation or termination agreement.
MILEAGEYesMileage reimbursement.
EARNINGS_ON_DEMANDYesAmount to be paid out "early" in a pay period.

These earning type codes can be used for either employee earnings or contractor pay, as needed, except for the CONTRACTOR code, which should only be used for contractor pay.