The Everee API
Welcome to the Everee API! Here, you'll find references for our API endpoints, webhooks, and embedded experiences.
Our API and Embed components enable integrating and automating common workflows, such as:
- Kicking off a worker’s Everee-managed onboarding process
- Managing worker data and settings
- Submitting one-time payments for processing
- Capturing employee timeclock events in real time
- Creating, editing, and deleting shifts on an employee’s time card
- Retrieving hours-worked and gross pay information for a date range
- Retrieving an employee’s pay statements, including gross-to-net pay amounts
Looking for something not on the list?
Please contact Everee for more information on additional APIs.
[email protected]
Worker Onboarding
Everee can onboard workers into a company instance through a web-based onboarding sequence. First, the worker is sent a secure link from Everee to enter the onboarding sequence. Once they enter the sequence, Everee captures all required information from the worker and then moves them into their personalized, web-based Everee Account app or one of our native mobile apps, where the worker can access their personal and payment information, including pay statements.
When a worker has completed the onboarding sequence, Everee will submit the completed worker record to a webhook specified by the client. See the “Adding workers directly” section for the data structure of a completed worker record.
Onboarding an employee or contractor requires minimal data to be sent from a client since the rest of the contractor’s information will be captured during the Everee-managed onboarding process.
Kick off onboarding for a contractor
Kick off onboarding for an employee
Managing Worker Data
Add a complete worker record
A client can choose to add a complete employee or contractor record directly. The client must capture all required worker data in order to submit a complete worker record, so this option is only appropriate if the integrating application assumes the risk and responsibility of capturing potentially sensitive personally-identifiable data about the worker.
Add a complete contractor record
Add a complete employee record
Update a worker’s home address
Clients can update a worker’s home address on behalf of the worker. Changing a worker’s home address requires specifying an “effective date” for the change. Unless they have a specific reason to choose a particular date, clients should generally specify an effective date of the next day in the worker’s local time zone.
Update a worker’s home address
Update a worker’s bank account
Clients can update a worker’s bank account information on behalf of the worker. Changing a worker’s bank account will cause all payments that haven’t yet been approved for payment, whether the payments currently exist or not, to be deposited to the new account.
Update a worker’s bank account
Delete a worker in onboarding
A worker can be deleted while still in the onboarding process. Deleting a worker isn’t possible if payments or timecard records have already been added. If a worker can’t be deleted for one of these reasons, the request will fail with an error.
Delete a worker in onboarding
Worker Payments
Creating a batch of one-time payments
Processing one-time payments to workers involves creating a batch of payments, which will then be calculated based on the settings specified in the batch and the payments themselves.
Retrieving the settings for a one-time payment batch
Retrieve the settings for an existing batch of one-time payments to perform reconciliation tasks.
Retrieving one-time payments
Retrieve the list of one-time payments within a specific batch or associated with a specific worker.
Listing shifts on an employee’s time card
Adding a shift to an employee’s time card records hours worked. A “shift” refers to any part of a whole scheduled work period—if an employee works a scheduled work period in two parts, like one part before a lunch break and another part after, these parts would be recorded as two shifts.
Add a shift to an employee’s time card
Adding a shift to an employee’s time card records hours worked. A “shift” refers to any part of a whole scheduled work period—if an employee works a scheduled work period in two parts, like one part before a lunch break and another part after, these parts would be recorded as two shifts.
Update a shift on an employee’s time card
Adding a shift to an employee’s time card records hours worked. A “shift” refers to any part of a whole scheduled work period—if an employee works a scheduled work period in two parts, like one part before a lunch break and another part after, these parts would be recorded as two shifts.
Delete a shift on an employee’s time card
If a shift is recorded incorrectly, it can be deleted. Shifts that have already been included as part of a payroll payment can no longer be deleted, and attempting to do so will return an HTTP code 400.
Retrieve a worker’s pay history
Clients can retrieve a list of payments that have been paid-out to workers. Items returned from these endpoints represent payments that have been successfully processed for deposit.
Retrieve a pay history item by ID
Clients can retrieve a single payment from a worker’s pay history by “payment ID” if it has been successfully processed for deposit; attempting to request a payment by ID before it has been processed for deposit will result in an HTTP status 404.
Retrieve a list of available pay statements
Workers receive one pay statement per traditional pay period. A pay statement becomes available to a worker once a payment is processed for that worker within the company’s current default pay cycle. Pay statements are available for both contractors and employees.
Retrieve a pay statement
Pay statements are generated as PDF files on-demand and stored to a CDN for fast retrieval. API consumers must access the returned URL to download the pay statement. The download URL is signed with an expiring access token and remains valid until the time indicated by the “expiresAt” value is reached. Once that time is reached, accessing the URL will return an error and the pay statement should be requested again if needed. The URL is valid for at least 10 minutes.
Updated 9 months ago