
A PaymentHistoryItem represents a single payment to a worker that has been successfully processed for deposit. The payStubDate property can be used to request a pay statement via the Pay Stubs API.

        workerId: string
        externalWorkerId: string
        workerDisplayName: string
        paymentId: number
        payStubDate: string, ISO8601 date
        payDate: string, ISO8601 date
        grossEarnings: Money
        totalTaxesWithheld: Money
        preTaxDeductions: Money
        postTaxDeductions: Money
        deferredCompensation: Money
        netEarnings: Money
        payableNotes: array of strings
        taxesWithheld: array of objects, with shape: {
              amount: Money
              amountYearToDate: Money
              name: string
        deductions: array of objects, with shape: {
              amount: Money
              amountYearToDate: Money
              name: string
        deposits: array of objects, with shape: {
              destinationLabel: string
              amount: Money